ISFOE16, NN16 & ISSON16 Programs announced!
We are pleased to invite you to NANOTEXNOLOGY 2016, 2 - 9 July 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
NANOTEXNOLOGY is the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe and it includes the premier and Internationally established events:
Do Not Miss the Special Workshops, Events and Round Tables covering the latest developments in the fields of:
Photovoltaics, Bioelectronics, Graphene, Perovskites, Pulsed Laser Technologies, NanoMedicine, NanoConstruction, Wearables and IoT, Advanced Manufacturing, Commercialization & Entrepreneurship, EU funded Projects, NANO-GR, Nanomaterials & Bionanoscience in Japan-Europe Cooperation Special Workshop, Workshop on Roadmapping Materials needs & Technologies for a strong European Industry and Special Workshop on Agrofood!
NANOTEXNOLOGY explores the opportunities in the emerging fields of Nanotechnologies, Organic & Printed Electronics and Nanomedicine. NANOTEXNOLOGY brings together over 2,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, business, technical and policy professionals to promote research and industrial collaborations, identify priorities and strengthen the innovation ecosystem.
Some of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2016 Invited Speakers
Prof. Antonios G. Mikos Rice University, USA |
Prof. Francesco Stellacci EPFL, Switzerland |
Prof. Ravi Silva University of Surrey, UK/span> |
Prof. Markus Scharber Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria |
Prof. Tsuyoshi Sekitani Osaka University, Japan |
Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos Imperial College London, UK |
Prof. Sergei Baranovski Philipps-University Marburg, Germany |
Prof. Yvan Bonnassieux Ecole Polytechnique CNRS, France |
Prof. Christian Muller Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden |
Dr. Jean-Paul Gaston HORIBA Scientific, France |
Dr. Chang-Hyun Kim Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea |
Dr. Stephane Cros CEA, France |
Prof. Kyriakos Porfyrakis University of Oxford, UK |
Prof. Didier Letourneur INSERM, Hopital Bichat, France |
Prof. Yannis Missirlis University of Patras, Greece |
Prof. Thimios Mitsiadis University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Prof. Jean Francois Pierson University of Lorraine, France |
Prof. Dominique Pioletti EPFL, Switzerland |
Prof. Masaru Tanaka Yamagata University, Japan |
Prof. Katsuya Teshima Shinshu University, Japan |
Prof. Francesco Cellesi Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Prof. Antonios Kanaras University of Southampton, UK |
Prof. Theodora Kyratsi University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
Prof. Giovanna Orsini Marche Polytechnic University, Italy |
Dr. David Babonneau University of Poitiers, France |
Dr. Athanasios Dimoulas NCSR Demokritos, Greece |
Prof. Roisin Owens Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne, France |
Dr. Manuel J. Mendes Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal |
Dr. Themis Prodromakis Imperial College London, UK |
Dr. Claudia Delgado Simao Eurecat, Spain |
Dr. Lidia Santos CEMOP/UNINOVA, Portugal |
Mr. Andreas Falk BioNanonet, Austria |
Prof. Fabio Biscarini University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy |
Prof. Franz Stelzer Institute for Chemistry & Technology of Materials, Graz University of Technology, Austria |
Prof. Thomas Brown University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy |
Prof. Myung-Han Yoon Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea |
Prof. Thierry Djenizian Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, France |
Prof. George Malliaras EMSE, France |
Dr. Bertrand Fillon European affairs VP, CEA/LITEN, France |
Prof. George Hadziioannou LCPO, CNRS, France |
Prof. Zeynep Basaran Ozyegin University, Turkey |
Dr. Maja Buljan Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia |
Dr. Wei Zhang University of Lincoln, UK |
Dr. Federica Fernandez University San Raffaele, Italy |
Prof. Maria Eugenia Rabanal Jimenez University Carlos III, Spain |
Prof. Alon Gorodetsky University of California, USA |
Prof. Tim Booth DTU Nanotech, Denmark |
Prof. Emmanuel Giannelis Cornell University, USA |
Prof. Gerrit Boschloo Uppsala Univeristy, Sweden |
Dr. Maziar Zeibadabi LEITAT, Spain |
Prof. Elpida-Niki Emmanouil-Nikoloussi European University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
Dr. Evangelos Golias Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany |
Prof. Panagiotis E. Keivanidis Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus |
Prof. Feliciano Giustino University of Oxford, UK |
Dr. Alexander Colsmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Prof. Christoph Brabec Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany |
Prof. Alison B. Walker University of Bath, UK |
Dr. Charalambos Pitsalidis Institut Fresnel, France |
Dr. Tim Echtermeyer University of Manchester, UK |
Prof. Milan Damnjanovic University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Dr. Alessandro Maiocchi Bracco Research Centre, Italy |
Dr. Julianna Lisziewicz eMMUNITY, Hungary |
Dr. Martyn McLachlan Imperial College London, UK |
Prof. Stelios Choulis Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus |
Prof. Ivanka Milosevic University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Dr. Sergio Enrique Moya CIC biomaGUNE, Spain |
Prof. Vladimir Dyakonov Julius-Maximilian University of Wurzburg, Germany |
Dr. Stefan Bengtson National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark |
Dr. Souren Grigorian University of Siegen, Germany |
Dr. Radek Sevcik Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic |
Prof. Wim Deferme Hasselt University, Belgium |
Prof. Vladimir Shalaev Purdue University, USA |
Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva Purdue University, USA |
Prof. Ik Jin Kim Hanseo University, Korea |
Dr. Cinzia Casiraghi University of Manchester, UK |
Prof. Dimitrios Gournis University of Ioannina, Greece |
Dr. Ilya Goykhman University of Cambridge, UK |
Prof. Lieva Van Langenhove Ghent University, Belgium |
Dr. Emmanuel Kymakis Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I) of Crete, Greece |
Prof. Yun-Hi Kim Gyeongsang National University, Korea |
Dr. Francois Berger INSERM, France |
Dr. Andreas Petritz Joanneum Research, Austria |
Dr. Michel Prassas Corning Inc., USA |
Prof. Ismail Hakki Tavman Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey |
Prof. Juris Blums Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Prof. Eleftherios Lidorikis University of Ioannina, Greece |
Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos HZB, Germany |
Dr. Etienne Quesnel CEA, France |
Dr. Silvia Janietz Fraunhofer -IAP, Germany |
Dr. Hyeok Kim Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea |
Dr. Helmut Schmid Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT), Germany |
Prof. Zivoslav Tesic University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Prof. Kyriakos Komvopoulos University of California Berkeley, USA |
Dr. Antonios Oikonomou University of Manchester, UK |
Dr. Roman Gorbachev University of Manchester, UK |
Dr. George Deligeorgis FORTH IESL, Greece |
Dr. Vassilios Constantoudis NCSR Demokritos, Greece |
Prof. Maria Chatzinikolaidou IESL-FORTH and University of Crete, Greece |
Prof. Aris Christou University of Maryland, USA |
Prof. Gabriel Caruntu Central Michigan University, USA |
Prof. Pierre M. Beaujuge King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia |
Dr. Nobuya Sakai Oxford University, UK |
Prof. Guido Giuliani University of Pavia, Italy |
Dr. George Volonakis University of Oxford, UK |
Prof. Dimitris Ioannou George Mason University, USA |
Prof. Maria J. Mosquera University of Cadiz, Spain |
Dr. Michael Saliba EPFL, Switzerland |
Dr. Andreas Gondikas Univeristy of Vienna, Austria |
Prof. Juan Luis Delgado University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain |
Dr. Esra Kucukpinar Fraunhofer IVV, Germany |
Prof. Ioannis S. Vizirianakis Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AUTH, Greece |
Dr. Christine Boeffel Fraunhofer IAP, Germany |
Prof. Sabine Ludwigs IPOC, University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Dr. Ilise Feitshans Institute for Work and Health University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Dr. Demosthenes Katritsis Athens Euroclinic, Greece |
NANOTEXNOLOGY 2016 Exhibitors