Young Researcher Awards


ISFOE Young Researcher Awards (YRA) 2017

These awards target to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current research show a high level of excellence and distinction.
The Winners of the ISFOE17 Young Researcher Awards will benefit with a 350 EUR cash prize accompanied with a diploma!

This year's ISFOE17 YRA are the following (alphabetical order):

Mr. Maurizio Morbidoni
Imperial College London, UK
for his oral presentation with title:
MoOx modified PEDOT:PSS as anode interlayer in organic optoelectronics
M. Morbidoni1, L. Occhi2, X. Wang2, A. Regoutz1, P. N. Stavrinou2, D. J. Payne1, M. A. McLachlan1
1 Department of Materials, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ London, UK, 2 Department of Physics, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ London, UK


Mr. Christian Sprau
Karlsruhe Inst. Technology (KIT), Light Technology Institute (LTI), Germany
for his oral presentation with title:
Benzodithiophene-quinoxaline copolymers for organic solar cells: from structure design to green synthesis and processing
C. Sprau1, D. Zimmermann2, C. L. Chochos3,4, H. Krüger2, A. Colsmann1
1Karlsruhe Inst. Technology (KIT), Light Technology Institute (LTI), Germany, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Potsdam, Germany, 3Advent Technologies S.A., Patra, Greece,4Department of Materials Science Engineering, Univ. Ioannina, Greece


The ISFOE17 YRA Winners with the 2 of the members of the Review Committee (Prof. K. Porfyrakis and Prof. E. Lidorikis), the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 Chairman Prof. S. Logothetidis (right) and the Greek Minister of Environment and Energy Mr. S. Famellos (left).