Workshop on OPVs and Perovskite PVs


workshop opv

Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) is an emerging technology that will revolutionize the generation of electricity by renewable sources. The OPVs have many advantages, such as low cost, ease in process and conformability to curved surfaces, that make them attractive for numerous mass-market application areas. The enormous effort in the science and technology of OPVs led to many achievements in terms of device efficiencies. Several research groups & companies have announced very high device efficiencies. However, in order for OPVs to be implemented for mass production, there are still open issues to be overcome, as the lower efficiency values and shorter lifetimes in comparison to other PV technologies (e.g. inorganic PVs).

Also, Perovskite PVs are an emerging field and rapidly expanding field which will revolutionize PV technology and applications since it combines simple and low-cost manufacturing methods with high device efficiencies (above 15%). These PVs have enormous commercial potential for implementation to consumer applications for the market in the near future.

The Workshop on OPVs and Perovskites PVs will reveal, discuss and contribute to solving of all aspects covering the synthesis, thin film fabrication of new organic semiconductor (conjugated polymers, evaporated small molecules or solution processed small molecules) and electrode materials, efficient charge transfer mechanisms, optimization & control of blend morphology, device architectures, lifetime and stability, and mass manufacturing.


The OPVs and Perovskite PVs Workshop topics include:


Workshop International Organizing Committee:

Supported by the EU Project:

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FP7 NMP SMARTONICS: Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics"
