EU - USA Workshop "Sustainable NanoFabrication & NanoManufacturing ", 5 July 2019

eu usa19


The USA and EU academics, researchers, policy makers, industrial stakeholders and entrepreneurs will present, elaborate and discuss their ideas and current activities in Nano-Fabrication and Factory of the Future and seek opportunities and channels to establish links and research collaboration in the fields of Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Nanofabrication, Nano-manufacturing and Factory of the Future through EU H2020 and NSF Calls. This Workshop aims to create a sustainable framework of synergies for common success and growth between EU and USA.


The EU-USA Workshop will take place on Friday July 5, 2019, during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019.

International Scientific Committee

Prof. Gus Kousoulas, Louisiana State University, USA
Prof. Stergios Logothetidis, Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece
Prof. Panagiotis Patsalas, AUTh, Greece

The workshop is supported by:

EC h2020 logo minedu logo gsrt logo nanonet logo hope a



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Under the Auspices of

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