I3D21 Invited Speakers

Plenary Speakers

nello li pira

Dr. Nello Li Pira
Global Materials R&I and Roadmaps Manager, Fiat Research Centre, Italy

Evolution of materials in future vehicles: a new paradigm for the automotive components


Prof. Eugenia Kumacheva
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada

Bridging the gap between molecules and nanoparticles


Prof. George Malliaras
Prince Philip Professor of Technology, University of Cambridge, UK

Electronics on the Brain


Keynote Speakers


Prof. Prasad Shastri, University of Freiburg, Germany
Criteria, Challenges, and Recent Advances in Translational Bioinks


Prof. Yeong Wai Yee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3D Printing for the Future of Healthcare : Applications via multi-materials, bio and electronics printing

Invited Speakers

delivopoulos Dr. Evangelos Delivopoulos, University of Reading, UK
Engineering spinal cord organoids with neural co-cultures in alginate fibers
kenanakis Dr. George Kenanakis, FORTH IESL, Greece
3D printed nanocomposite materials and (meta)materials for energy applications
legant Mr. Alexander Legant, Nanoscribe GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography - Basics and applications
minev Prof. Ivan Minev, University of Sheffield, UK
Prototyping of Bespoke Bioelectronic Interfaces that are Soft and Multi-modal
sendemir Prof. Aylin Sendemir, Ege University, Turkey
Hierarchically structured 3D bioprinting for tissue engineering
simao Dr. Claudia Delgado Simao, Eurecat, Spain
Printed Sensors and Biosensors - Current and future trends for point-of-need applications
zergioti Prof. Ioanna Zergioti, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Laser precise printing for biomedical applications


More Invited Speakers will be announced soon. You can check out the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2020 Speakers here.


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