Nanosafety Stakeholder Event

In the framework of NN15 the NanoPUZZLES FP7 EU ( project consortium, together with the consortia of five other FP7 EU modelling projects (MODERN, PRE-NANO-TOX, MOD-ENP-TOX, MEMBRANENANOPART and eNanoMapper) cordially invite you to the Nanosafety Stakeholder Event during Nanotexnology 2015.

The aim of this event is to bring together various interested parties, including representatives from academia, industry, health and environmental authorities to enhance networking in the nanosafety field and exchange views on the use of computational approaches for addressing nanosafety concerns.

Specifically, the Nanosafety Stakeholder Event will solicit the perspectives of external stakeholders regarding the computational approaches developed within all participating FP7 EU projects and discuss the benefits they might offer to the stakeholders. The outcomes from this feedback and these discussions will be taken into consideration by the FP7 consortia when deciding on the final shape and form of developed tools and services.

The event will take place on July 10th, from 9.00 am till 1.30 pm. All interested entities, who would like to take part in the event or to contribute to facilitating the event are welcome to contact Mrs. Katarzyna Dembowska – the NanoPUZZLES Project Manager via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Stakeholder Event Program

9.00 – 11.00: presentations (up to 20 minutes for each consortium)
11.00 – 11.15: Coffee break

11.15 – 12.45: Workshop in smaller groups
(8-10 people – scientists and industry representatives working together)
12.45 – 13.30: The summary of exercise and the presentation of cases worked out

NN is Organized by

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NN is Supported by

EC  FP7-gen-RGB  UCBerkeley-text-logo  cornell  logo U2BX1  PRAXI.logo  bionanonet logo  azk