Guidelines for the manuscripts preparation and submission for the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2020 Proceedings
Deadline for manuscripts submission: October 20th, 2020
As a contributor to NANOTEXNOLOGY 2020, you are cordially invited to submit an article for a Special Issue in Materials Today: Proceedings. Members of the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2020 organizing committee will serve as Guest Editors.
The Elsevier Editorial System [EES] for the proceedings “NANOTEX20” is now open for submissions.
Instructions for the manuscript preparation:
Authors may use the template uploaded here to create their manuscript.
Guide for Authors
Visit the Materials Today: Proceedings site and check the instructions. Please follow these instructions to submit to Elsevier's editorial management system.
Instructions for the manuscript submission:
- The authors should use the Materials Today: Proceedings website: for the manuscript submission.
- Log in as authors using your account to EES or create a new account, in case this is the first time that you submit a paper via EES.
- Authors must select “NANOTEX20” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
- Submit your manuscript following the EES instructions.