3-10 July 2021
3-10 July 2021
The ISSON Summer Schools will give the opportunity to young researchers and early-career scientists and engineers to participate in a series of lectures on the emerging fields of Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies.
This year ISSON21 is divided in three complementary schools that cover the significant areas in the N&N field:
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The lectures will review the current trends and knowledge in the fields of NN in general (mainly in School 1) and in parallel focus in three main Application areas, the Organic Electronics (School 2), Nanomedicine (School 3). Furthermore, state-of-the-art techniques, as well as a demonstration-tour in the laboratory facilities for developing and characterizing nanoscale materials will also be included. Top class Experts from Universities, Research Institutions, and Industry worldwide will share their knowledge and experience in the format of lecture presentations. Generally, the ISSON program will be comprised of plenary and parallel sessions in order for the ISSON students to fix-and-attend lectures according to their preference.
All ISSON participants can present their current research work (background and research activity) in a Special ISSON Poster Session to the rest of the group, the ISSON Committee and Lecturers at the Welcome Ceremony of ISSON Schools. In case you will also attend the NN21, ISFOE21 or I3D21 Conference, your poster can also be presented there!
At the end of ISSON21 Schools, the best poster will be awarded!
...To be a gateway for innovative high-tech ideas coming from enthusiastic young researchers.
A full-day program of ISSON lectures for the 3-10 July 2021 with parallel sessions of three of the Schools to run each day, usually School 2, School 3 while School 1 which covers generally N&N will be mostly in shared sessions. The fix-and-attend choice for the attendees is available in order to enhance the interdisciplinary role of ISSON. ISSON attendees can also participate in the conferences ISFOE21 - NN21 - I3D21.
It depends mainly on your research interests and/or curiosity.
NN21 - ISFOE21 - I3D21
All ISSON students (registered either for the Full or Student Option) can also attend at the event of their preference (ISFOE, NN or I3D) by selecting it as the main event during their registration.