I3D23 Invited Speakers

Plenary Speakers


Prof. Magnus Berggren
Laboratory of Organic Electronics and Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability, Linköping University, Sweden

Thiophene-Based Trimers for Evolvable and In-Vivo-Manufactured Electrodes and Electronics


Prof. Peer Fischer
Heidelberg University & Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany

Nanostructures in motion: chemical motors and nanorobotic systems


Prof. Sir David King
Founder & Chair, Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge University, UK

The Climate Crisis: The State of Climate Science, and What Must be Done Now


Keynote Speakers

fuh Prof. Jerry Fuh Ying Hsi, National University of Singapore, Singapore
3D Printing of Field’s Metal for Multi-functional Electronics
shastri Prof. Prasad Shastri, University of Freiburg, Germany
Bridging the Future: Development of Bioinks for Clinical Translation

Invited Speakers

hauser Prof. Charlotte Hauser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Optimizing Flow Rates of an Integrated Microfluidic Pumping System for Peptide-Based 3D Bioprinting using a Predictive Machine Learning Model
feng-lu Prof. Wen Feng Lu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Studies of 3D Printed Micro-Lattice Interpenetrating Phase Composites
sendemir Prof. Aylin Sendemir, Ege University, Turkey
Development of a Co-axial 3D Bioprinted Blood Vessel for Self-Sustaining Oxygenation
viskadourakis Dr. Zacharias Viskadourakis, FORTH IESL, Greece
3D Fabrication of Metasurfaces: Methods and Applications in Microwaves
zergioti Prof. Ioanna Zergioti, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Laser bioprinting current advancements and challenges


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