All ISSON participants can present their current research work (background and research activity) in a Special ISSON Poster Session to the rest of the group, the ISSON Committee and Lecturers at the Welcome Ceremony of ISSON Schools. In case you will also attend the NN23/ISFOE23/I3D23 Conference, your poster can also be presented there!
At the end of ISSON23 Schools, the best poster will be awarded!
ISSON posters will be presented during the first two days of the School (1 - 2 July). If a poster will also be presented at the NN23/ISFOE23/I3D23, you will be informed about the corresponding poster session and panel spot.
How to Submit your Abstract
In case you have not registered yet, please follow the next steps:
Step 1: Create your User Account on the NANOTEXNOLOGY Submission Platform.
Step 2: You will receive an email with an activation link. Please visit this link in order to activate your account.
Step 3: Login to the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2023 users area and proceed with the 1st option for your Registration and Abstract Submission
In case you have already registered and wish to submit an Abstract at this stage:
Login to the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2023 users area and proceed with the 2nd option for your Abstract Submission.
Abstract Templates
Information on Poster Presentations
The Poster Sessions will take place in the exhibition area.
Standard poster panels will be available - Posters should be in a PORTRAIT format, and the appropriate dimensions should be 84cm x 119cm (A0 size).
All posters will be numbered as given in the final programme. Please fix your poster on the poster panel marked with your poster number.