Description - Scope & Topics
The Workshop on New Business Development & Commercialization aims at fostering actions on the exploitation and commercialization of scientific and research innovations on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics, Photonics, Advanced Materials, Nanomedicine, Nano-manufacturing, 3D Printing, Wearables, IoT as well as at other related topics.
It will serve as a forum and bringing together Scientists, Engineers, University Technology Managers, Industrial and SME Professionals, Technology Transfer Professionals, Policy Makers, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development Specialists, Business Government and Regional Representatives, Venture Capitals, Development Banks from all over the world where exchange of information and provision of access to the latest developments in Market Approaches and Business Opportunities will be discussed. Also good examples and successful case studies from Start-ups and SMEs, as well as from proper tools and movements for commercialization and markets, will be presented, discussed and elaborated.
In addition, emphasis will be given in topics in University-Industry technology transfer and knowledge exchange and links in the era of smart specialization and smart growth, Commercializing research results and Creation Start-ups and Spin-outs and challenges & best practices, as well as Early stage investment and (venture) funding.
The workshop is organized by:
The workshop is supported by: