BIOSENSORS and BIOELECTRONICS Workshop (Joint Workshop with ISFOE16)
This Workshop will focus on the latest advances in the areas of biosensors, bioactuators and bioelectronics from bench to bedside. Fundamentals on biosensor design and manufacturing will be covered and translated into clinical applications. In addition, the Workshop will cover the latest advances in biosensors and bioelectronics and related sectors such as mobile and digital health expert systems and distributed diagnostics, and will provide an interdisciplinary workshop for researchers, engineers, clinicians, educators and people from industry to present and discuss the most recent trends and practical challenges encountered in the field of Biosensors and Bioelectronics. This Workshop will run in parallel with NANOMEDICINE Workshop and the ISFOE16. |
Fundamentals from Materials to Biology and Medicine
- The interface of organic electronic materials with cells, neurons, drug actuation
- Electrons and ions at the interface with Biology
- Active Nanosystems from bench to bedside
- ( Nanobiosensors, nanomaterials & nanoanalytical systems for diagnosis and therapy of diseases)
- Organic and Hybrid nanomaterials
- Stimuli-responsive materials
- Biosensor design and manufacturing
- Microfluidics
- Biomolecular Dynamics
- Biosensing at biological interfaces
- Biomechatronics
Biosensors and Bioactuators
- Immuno Sensors
- Photonic Sensors and Chemical Sensors
- DNA chips & Nucleic Acid Sensors
- Enzyme-based Biosensors
- Lab-on-a-chip, Organism and Whole Cell-based Biosensors
- Biomaterials and Biosensors
- Electrodes and transistors
- Drug Delivery devices
- Neural interfaces
- Printed biosensors and Electronic noses
Biological and Clinical Applications
- Organic Bioelectronics
- Bioelectronics for neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, orthopaedic and other diseases
- Biosensors - manufacturing and markets
- Biosensors in Drug Delivery
- Bioelectronics for Tissue Regeneration
- Printed Electronics & Bioelectronics Network for medical devices, implants
- Brain/Machine interfaces and prostheses
- Bioelectronics, Biocomputing and Biofuel cells
- ICT for Wireless Biomedical Sensor Applications
- Digital & Mobile diagnostics and Tele-medicine
Commercialization in Biosensors and Diagnostic systems
Special Sessions (tba)
- Prof. Malliaras G. (Chair), Dept Of Bioelectronics, CMP, ENSMSE, France
- Dr. Karagkiozaki V. (Co-Chair), LTFN, Dept of Physics and AHEPA Hospital AUTh, Greece
- Prof. Bonfiglio A., Uni. of Cagliari, Italy
- Dr. Lymberis A., Information Society & Media Directorate General,Research Program Officer, European Commission, Belgium
- Prof. Owens R., Dept Of Bioelectronics, CMP, ENSMSE, France
- Prof. Torsi L., Dipartimento di Chimica - Università di Bari, Italy
Check out the 2016 Biosensors and Bioelectronics Workshop poster!!!