6-9 July 2021
6-9 July 2021
The scope of this workshop is to be a major meeting place of scientists and engineers from all over the world, who are active in studying the innovative combination and design of nanomaterials, their development, fabrication, growth, processing and their characterization. The common place of the workshop is that the form of the concerned materials should be associated with the nanoscale and/or their properties should be manifested and applied at the nanoscale.
Workshop 2 topics at a glance:
M. Damnjanovic (Chair), Faculty of Physics, Uni of Belgrade, Serbia
P. Patsalas (co-Chair), Physics Dept, AUTh, Greece
S. Anastasiadis, Dept of Chemistry, Uni of Crete, Greece
R. Bizios, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Uni of Texas at San Antonio, USA
M. Dinescu, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - NIPNE, Romania
S. Grigorian, Uni. of Siegen, Germany
D. Koutsogeorgis, School of Science & Technology, Nottingham Trent Uni., UK
V. Koutsos, School of Engineering, Uni of Edinburgh, UK
J. F. Pierson, Institut Jean Lamour, Loraine Uni, France
K. Porfyrakis, University of Greenwich, UK
M. Stefanidou, Civil Eng. Dept., AUTh, Greece
A. Tagliaferro, Carbon Group, Dept of Physics, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
C.-R. Wang, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
A. Wedel, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Germany