Special Workshop on EU Projects

Representatives from EU funded R&D Projects will present in NANOTEXNOLOGY 2023 their latest advances and provide information on the cutting-edge R&D activities in European and International level in Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics and Nanomedicine. These Oral presentations will be part of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2023 program, while all the EU Projects will also be presented in a dedicated Poster Session within this Special Workshop.



agrores logo AgroRes - Energy Autonomous Greenhouse based on Renewable Energy Sources
ambrosia logo AMBROSIA - A Multiplexed Plasmo-Photonic Biosensing Platform For Rapid And Intelligent Sepsis Diagnosis At The Point-Of-Care
apollon logo APOLLON - Printed OLEDS for intelligent, efficient & tunable solid-state lighting devices in large scale
bioassembler logo BIOASSEMBLER - Integrating bio-inspired assembly into semiconductor manufacturing technology for biosensors
biomac logo BIOMAC - European Sustainable BIObased nanoMAterials Community
camart2 logo CAMART2 - Centre of Advanced Materials Research and Technology Transfer
c2g open innovation test bed logo Convert2Green - Converting Facilities Network for accelerating uptake of climate neutral materials in innovative products
cope-nano logo COPE-Nano - Centre Of Excellence For Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies
ekobuild logo EKOBuild - Organic Photovoltaics System Integrated in Buildings
emphasis logo EMPHASIS - Efficient materials and processes for high-energy supercapacitors for smart textiles and electromobility applications
ENSEMBLE3 ENSEMBLE3 - Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs
esteem3 logo ESTEEM3 - Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy
ff2s logo FlexFunction2Sustain - Open Innovation Ecosystem for Sustainable Nano-functionalized Flexible Plastic and Paper Surfaces and Membranes
flex2energy logo Flex2Energy - Automated Manufacturing Production Line for Integrated Printed Organic Photovoltaics
graced logo GRACED - Ultra-compact, low-cost plasmo-photonic bimodal multiplexing sensor platforms as part of a holistic solution for food quality monitoring
greenelit logo GREENELIT - Twinning for reaching sustainable scientific and technological excellence in the field of Green Electronics
hyflow logo HyFlow - Development of a sustainable hybrid storage system based on high power vanadium redox flow battery and supercapacitor technology
inshape logo InShape - Next innovation leap in metal-based additive manufacturing
musicode logo MUSICODE - An experimentally-validated multi-scale materials, process and device modelling & design platform enabling non-expert access to open innovation in the Organic and Large Area Electronics Industry (MUSICODE)
nanoathero logo NanoAthero - Development and Preclinical Validation of biofunctionalized Nanoparticles for targeted delivery of anti-thrombotic and anti-oxidant factors to treat Atherosclerosis
nanofacts logo NANOFACTS - Networking Activities for Nanotechnology-Facilitated Cancer Theranostics
nanomecommons logo nanoMECommons - Harmonisation of EU-wide nanomechanics protocols and relevant data exchange procedures, across representative cases; standardisation, interoperability, data workflow (nanoMECommons)
nfcpack logo NFCPack - Printed NFC Tag on Flexible Packaging Substrates
ontotrans logo OntoTRANS - Ontology driven Open Translation Environment
openenergy logo OPENERGY - Roof Integrated Conformable OPV Products for Energy Generation
open-model logo OpenModel - Integrated Open Access Materials Modelling Innovation Platform for Europe
osteofit logo Oste­oFit - 3D-​Bioprinted Bone Tis­sue inside High Res­o­lu­tion 3D-​Printed Molds for the Effec­tive Treat­ment of Bone Tis­sue Deformations
PHAETHON PHAETHON - Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence for Intelligent, Efficient and Sustainable Energy Solutions
photokipia logo PHOTOKIPIA - Semitransparent Organic and Printed Photovoltaics for Energy Efficient Mediterranean Greenhouses
proid logo ProID - Ultrafast Raman Technologies for Protein Identification and Sequencing
realnano logo

REALNANO - In-line and Real-time digital nano-characterization technologies for the high yield manufacturing of Flexible Organic Electronics

recylib logo

RecyLIB - Direct Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries

scenarios logo

SCENARIOS - Strategies for health protection, pollution Control and Elimination of Next generAtion RefractIve Organic chemicals from the Soil, vadose zone and water

strentexproject logo

STRENTEX - ERA Chair for emerging technologies and innovative research in Stretchable and Textile Electronics

susaan logo

SUSAAN - SUStainable Antimicrobial and Antiviral Nanocoating

spinnano logo

SpinNano - Development of Processes for the Electrostatic Deposition of Nanocoatings and Micro/Nano-structuring of Materials using Short and Ultra-Short Laser Pulses

twinvector logo

TwinVector - Twinning for development of world class next generation batteries




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We kindly ask you to DISREGARD these messages and to NOT proceed to any arrangement or payment to these third-party companies, because they do not represent in any way the Organizers.
The Organizers have not authorized any third-party entity to contact participants, attendees or exhibitors, regarding their registration and accommodation nor to distribute or sell attendees lists related to NANOTEXNOLOGY events. Please trust only the information and instructions at the Official NANOTEXNOLOGY 2023 website and the messages you receive only by the Organizing Committee. In case you receive a suspicious call or email, we kindly ask you to inform us.
Under no circumstances shall the Organizers be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses or other inconvenience resulting from the actions of these third-party companies.


ISFOE is Organized by

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ISFOE is Supported by

ECmines st etlogo U2BX1oes logoazkportopalace logo

Under the Auspices of

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