Welcome to ISFOE16

ISFOE16 Program announced!

ISFOE is the biggest scientific & technology event in Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics (OEs), that promotes the Research, Technology and Innovation in OE nanomaterials, Manufacturing Processes, Devices and Applications and Solutions.

During ISFOE16 you will meet with other world-class scientists, engineers, people from industry and policy makers to discuss and exchange ideas on the hottest topics and progress on OEs.

The ISFOE Program consists of Workshops and Sessions focused on:

- Organic and Large Area Electronic (OLAE) materials (polymer and small molecule organic semiconductors, transparent electrodes, barriers for encapsulation)
- Manufacturing Processes & Fabrication and Quality Control for Industrial Applications
- Organic Photovoltaics & Perovskites
- Graphene and related materials
- Biosensors & Bioelectronics
- OLEDs for Displays and Lighting
- OTFTs and Circuits
- Laser Technologies & Patterning
- Printing, Vacuum and OVPD Equipment and Technologies
- Computational Modelling at Nanoscale to Mesoscale
- Smart Textiles & Wearable Technologies
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Integrated Systems and Sensors

Advance your knowledge to:

- solve problems related to nanomaterials (e.g. morphology, phase separation, interfaces, charge generation & transport, up-scalability to large area processes) and to devices,
- progress on the theoretical modelling & computational methods,
- advance the understanding of the basic mechanisms & phenomena and establish the structure-property relationships that will allow the market implementation of OE devices.

Discuss the latest advances on:
Device Architectures, Large Scale Processes, in-line Metrology and Quality Control Tools, and Manufacturing Processes for numerous OE devices such as OPVs, OLEDs, OTFTs, Sensors and Biosensors for applications in Energy, Lighting, Displays, Electronics, Nanobiomedicine, Smart Textiles, Wearables, Food Packaging, Greenhouses and many more!

Looking forward to see you in Thessaloniki at 4-7 July 2016 !

On behalf of the ISFOE16 Scientific and Organizing Committee

Professor Stergios Logothetidis

Some of the ISFOE16 Invited Speakers

 brabec Prof. Christoph Brabec
Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
 stellacci Prof. Francesco Stellacci
EPFL, Switzerland
 ravi silva Prof. Ravi Silva
University of Surrey, UK/span>
 scharber Prof. Markus Scharber
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
 sekitani Prof. Tsuyoshi Sekitani
Osaka University, Japan
 anthopoulos Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos
Imperial College London, UK
 baranovski Prof. Sergei Baranovski
Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
 bonnassieux Prof. Yvan Bonnassieux
Ecole Polytechnique CNRS, France
 muller Prof. Christian Muller
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
 gaston Dr. Jean-Paul Gaston
HORIBA Scientific, France
 chang hyun kim Dr. Chang-Hyun Kim
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
 cros Dr. Stephane Cros
CEA, France
 porfyrakis Prof. Kyriakos Porfyrakis
University of Oxford, UK
 yoon Prof. Myung-Han Yoon
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
 malliaras Prof. George Malliaras
EMSE, France
 fillon Dr. Bertrand Fillon
European affairs VP, CEA/LITEN, France
 hadziioannou Prof. George Hadziioannou
LCPO, CNRS, France
 gorodetsky Prof. Alon Gorodetsky
University of California, USA
 booth Prof. Tim Booth
DTU Nanotech, Denmark
 boschloo Prof. Gerrit Boschloo
Uppsala Univeristy, Sweden
 owens Prof. Roisin Owens
Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne, France
 giustino Prof. Feliciano Giustino
University of Oxford, UK
 colsmann Dr. Alexander Colsmann
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
 blums Prof. Juris Blums
Riga Technical University, Latvia
 walker Prof. Alison B. Walker
University of Bath, UK
 pitsalidis Dr. Charalambos Pitsalidis
Institut Fresnel, France
 mclachlan Dr. Martyn McLachlan
Imperial College London, UK
 dyakonov Prof. Vladimir Dyakonov
Julius-Maximilian University of Wurzburg, Germany
 deferme Prof. Wim Deferme
Hasselt University, Belgium
 echtermeyer Dr. Tim Echtermeyer
University of Manchester, UK
 casiraghi Dr. Cinzia Casiraghi
University of Manchester, UK
 gournis Prof. Dimitrios Gournis
University of Ioannina, Greece
 goykhman Dr. Ilya Goykhman
University of Cambridge, UK
 vanlangenhove Prof. Lieva Van Langenhove
Ghent University, Belgium
 kymakis Dr. Emmanuel Kymakis
Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I) of Crete, Greece
 yun hi kim Prof. Yun-Hi Kim
Gyeongsang National University, Korea
 petritz Dr. Andreas Petritz
Joanneum Research, Austria
 prassas Dr. Michel Prassas
Corning Inc., USA
 bengston Dr. Stefan Bengtson
National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
 biscarini Prof. Fabio Biscarini
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
 santos Dr. Lidia Santos
 hyeok kim Dr. Hyeok Kim
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea
 lidorikis Prof. Eleftherios Lidorikis
University of Ioannina, Greece
 fostiropoulos Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos
HZB, Germany
 quesnel Dr. Etienne Quesnel
CEA, France
 janietz Dr. Silvia Janietz
Fraunhofer -IAP, Germany
 gorbachev Dr. Roman Gorbachev
University of Manchester, UK
 deligeorgis Dr. George Deligeorgis
 christou Prof. Aris Christou
University of Maryland, USA
 beaujuge Prof. Pierre M. Beaujuge
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
 noimage Dr. Nobuya Sakai
Oxford University, UK 
 giuliani Prof. Guido Giuliani
University of Pavia, Italy 
 oikonomou Dr. Antonios Oikonomou
University of Manchester, UK 
 volonakis Dr. George Volonakis
University of Oxford, UK 
 noimage Dr. Michael Saliba
EPFL, Switzerland
 zhang Dr. Wei Zhang
University of Lincoln, UK
 delgado Prof. Juan Luis Delgado
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain
 noimage Dr. Esra Kucukpinar
Fraunhofer IVV, Germany
 delgado simao Dr. Claudia Delgado Simao
Eurecat, Spain
 boeffel Dr. Christine Boeffel
Fraunhofer IAP, Germany
 ludwigs Prof. Sabine Ludwigs
IPOC, University of Stuttgart, Germany
 zeidabadi Dr. Maziar Zeibadabi
 stelzer Prof. Franz Stelzer
Graz University of Technology, Austria

ISFOE is Organized by

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Under the Auspices of

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ISFOE is Supported by

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