Welcome to I3D18

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Check out the I3D18 Program!

This Workshop focuses on the cutting edge advances on 3D Printing, 3D Bioprinting, Digital and Additive Manufacturing approaches for Flexible Organic and Printed Electronics, Healthcare, Wearables, Automotive, etc. and for the fabrication of novel nanomaterials in advanced device architectures.

As the world of 3D Printing is evolving, electronics are becoming a new key player. Functional elements such as sensors, biosensors and switches are now being integrated into 3D printed products, paving the way for exciting new markets, applications and opportunities.

3D Printing also encompasses a variety of different manufacturing processes. The processes are all primarily additive, with materials being deposited only where needed, as opposed to traditional substractive processes, like machining. This results in significantly less materials' wastage, which keeps costs and environmental impact down. Also, this workshop connects the Manufacturing with In-Line and Real-Time Monitoring Process and Control approaches to enable low-cost and high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronic Devices.


  • 3D Printing
  • 3D Printing, Materials, Functionalities and Architectures
  • 2D to 3D Printing (inkjet, screen, gravure, etc.)
  • 3D Bioprinting (Structure, size, mechanical properties, etc.)
  • Cell Printing Technologies (Ink-jet, Hydrogel, Laser assisted, etc) and Cell Survival issues
  • Bioinks
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Roll-to-roll printing processes
  • Ultra Fast Pulsed Laser processing in materials and OEs (OLED, OPV, OTFTs, RFID), batteries, sensors, healthcare, smart textiles, etc)
  • Ultra Fast Pulsed Laser nanoprocessing (metallic films, nanoparticles, nanowires, CNT, graphene, quantum dots, etc)
  • Ultra Fast Pulsed Lasers in photonics & electronics (packaging, optical interconnects, waveguides in stretchable materials, light management layers)
  • Ultra Fast Pulsed Laser tools integration (R2R, large area scanning, registration, diagnostics, hybrid laser, printing)
  • Laser two photon polymerization and Laser sintering
  • Digital Manufacturing and Nanomanufacturing
  • Processes, Manufacturing & Applications
  • Gas Transport Processes (OVPD, PVPD, CVD)
  • Vacuum Processes (Evaporation, sputtering, etc.)
  • Pilot Lines for Manufacturing of Organic Electronics, Healthcare, Bioprinting
  • In-Line Metrology for Characterization and Process Control
  • Thin Film Metrology and Optimization of Processes

Session on "Current Challenges in 3D Bioprinting" during Nanomedicine Workshop 3 (NN18)

3d bioprinting session nn

During the past decade, regenerative medicine has benefited from the rapid development of nanomaterial sciences, Tissue Engineering and cell-based therapies. Sophisticated Biomaterials are designed with nanostructures and surface topologies to mimic the extra-cellular matrix of native tissues, as bone and cartilage . The aim of the Special Session on "Current Challenges in 3D Bioprinting" is to gather international acknowledged specialists in the field of Additive Manufacturing and especially in 3D-Bioprinting to present their current advances.


  • 3D Bioprinting (Structure, size, mechanical properties, etc.)
  • Cell Printing Technologies (Inkkjet, Hydrogel, Laser assisted, etc.)
  • Bioinks
  • Cell survival issues
  • State-of-the-art Commercial Applications

Workshop International Organizing Committee (tentative)

Prof. Zheng Cui, Printable Electronics Research Center, Suzhou Institute of Nanotech, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard R. Baumann
, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Dr. Peter Baumann, Apeva, Germany
Prof. Emmanuel Giannelis, Cornell University, USA
Dr. Jacques Kools, Encapsulix, France
Dr. Nello Li Pira, C.R.F. S.C.p.A, Italy
Prof. Stergios Logothetidis, Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece
Prof. Yiannis Misirlis, University of Patras, Greece
Prof. Aylin Sendemir-Urkmez, Ege University, Turkey

Organized by:

smartline logo EU H2020-SMARTLINE: "Smart In-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic electronics" (www.smartline-project.eu)

cornet logo EU H2020-CORNET: "Multiscale Modelling and Characterization to optimize the Manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices" (www.cornet-project.eu)

smartonics logo EU FP7 SMARTONICS: "Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics" (www.smartonics.eu)

I3D18 Invited Speakers (tentative list)

 zheng cui Prof. Zheng Cui
Suzhou Institute of Nanotech, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
 perlo Dr. Pietro Perlo
Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles, I-FEVS, Italy
 sendemir urkmez Prof. Aylin Sendemir-Urkmez
Ege University, Turkey
 rutz Dr. Alexandra Rutz
University of Cambridge, UK
 li pira Dr. Nello Li Pira
C.R.F. S.C.p.A, Italy
 giannelis Prof. Emmanuel Giannelis
Cornell University, USA
 yue_wang Prof. Yue Wang
University of California, Merced, USA
 hepp Mr. Edgar Hepp
Cytosurge AG, Switzerland
 vrana Dr. Nihal Engin Vrana
Protip Medical, France
 missirlis Prof. Yannis Missirlis
University of Patras, Greece
 laskarakis Dr. Argiris Laskarakis
Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece
 karagkiozaki Dr. Varvara Karagkiozaki
BL-Nanobiomed, Greece
 boeffel Dr. Christine Boeffel
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP, Germany
 noimage Dr. Paolo Gaucci
Eurecat, Spain
 grooten Mr. Marcel Grooten
DoMicro BV, The Netherlands
 berthag Ms. Hanna Berthag
Cellink, Sweden
 papavlu Dr. Alexandra Palla Papavlu
INFLPR, Romania
 tsimikli Ms. Sofia Tsimikli
OE-Technologies, Greece

Organized by

ltfnauth_logonanonetsmartline logocornet logosmartonics logohope-a

Supported by

ECFP7-gen-RGBh2020 logophysicsPRAXI.logocornelllogo U2BX1
UCBerkeley-text-logohzbazkportopalace logo

Under the Auspices of

minedu logologo math enhzb