
What will be the benefits from your participation? Why participate?

  • Secure your participation in one of the leading networking areas across the global with more than 60 countries represented.
  • Demonstrate your image, release your new products, interpret the policies and find your trade partner.
  • Target new customers, build existing relationships and achieve new business perspectives.
  • Strengthen your company's image and visibility internationally.
  • Interact with exceptional researchers, engineers, scientists, technology developers, industry leaders and policy makers in Nanotechnology.
  • Meet the latest technological advancements, new products and applications in the Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Organic Electronics and Nanomedicine fields.
  • Participate in the Matchmaking (B2B) Event - Last year more than 180 B2B meetings took place.
  • Promote your organization at the Business Forum.
  • Discuss research work and related problems face-to-face with experienced professionals and very enthusiastic students.
  • Have the opportunity to participate to NN18 Conference, ISFOE18 and ISSON18 Summer Schools and access more than 730 presentations from 59 countries (2017 data).
  • Get privileged accommodation.
  • Combine your participation with holidays in exclusive nearby destinations.

EXPO is Organized by


Under the Auspices of

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