The scope of this workshop is to be a major meeting place of scientists and engineers from all over the world, who are active in studying the innovative combination and design of nanomaterials, their development, fabrication, growth, processing and their characterization. The common place of the workshop is that the form of the concerned materials should be associated with the nanoscale and/or their properties should be manifested and applied at the nanoscale.
Workshop 2 topics at a glance:
Inorganic Nanomaterials
- Silver & Gold Nanoparticles
- Oxides Nanoparticles
- Photocatalytic Nanoparticles
- Chemical Synthesis
- Nanocharacterization
- Pilot Scale synthesis
Thin Films & Multilayered Structures
- Physical Vapor Deposition
- Atomic Layer Deposition
- Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Surface Activation & Functionalization
- Growth Mechanisms Modeling
- Pilot Scale Deposition Processes
2D Nanomaterials (except Graphene)
- Silicenes
- Gemanenes
- Fabrication Methods
- Graphene-like 2D nanomaterials, heterostructures and superstructures
- Physical & Chemical Properties
- Applications
Organic Nanomaterials & Polymers Technology
- Molecular Dynamics
- Synthesis & Physicochemical Properties
- Homopolymers, Copolymers & Dendrimers
- Polymer nanocomposites
- Polymer processing in nanoscale
- Polymers for energy
- Industrial applications of polymeric materials
- Theory, modelling and simulation in Nanoscale
Nanomaterials in daily life Applications
- Nanomaterials in food processing
- Nanomaterials in smart packaging & storage
- Nanostructured Antimicrobial Surfaces
- Nanostructured Superhard and Protective Coatings
- Nanomaterials in Buildings Integrations Applications
- Nanomaterials in Cultural Heritage Preservation
- Nanomaterials in Catalysis
Special Session on "Integration of Nanomaterials into existing Production lines"
This year, the H2020 Project Optinanopro is co-organizing, together with NN18 committee, a special session on Integration of nano materials into existing production lines as Packaging, Automotive, Aerospace and Energy. The organizers are inviting participants to see the latest results of the presented projects and also present their current activities in these fields.
Download the Special Session's Programme
Special Session on "New Solutions to Support the Monitoring of the Concetration of Engineered nanomaterials in Indoor Workplaces and Urban areas. Lessons from LIFE NanoMONITOR"
This workshop is a forum for nanotechnology researchers, industry, and regulators to present and discuss the use of measured data on the concentration of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) to support the risk assessment of nanomaterials and the implementation of safe exposure scenarios, guaranteeing a high level of protection of the human health and the environment.
The event will be hosted by the members of the NanoMONITOR consortium and will be held as a special session in the framework of the Nanotexnology 2018: International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (Workshop 2) on 5th July 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The workshop program focusses on the main progress and outcomes of the NanoMONITOR project, which provides scientific based solutions to support the risk assessment of nanomaterials on a regulatory basis, including critical issues such as environmental, occupational and consumer exposure to ENMs, environmental release and fate in the life cycle and product value chains, and human health impacts of ENMs.
Download the Special Session's Programme
M. Damnjanovic (Chair), Faculty of Physics, Uni of Belgrade, Serbia
P. Patsalas (co-Chair), Physics Dept, AUTh, Greece
S. Anastasiadis, Dept of Chemistry, Uni of Crete, Greece
C.-R. Wang, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
P. Kelires, Cyprus Uni of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus & Uni of Crete, Heraclion, Greece
A. Wedel, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Germany
K. Porfyrakis, Dept of Materials, Oxford University, UK
A. Tagliaferro, Carbon Group, Dept of Physics, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
V. Koutsos, School of Engineering, Uni of Edinburgh, UK
D. Koutsogeorgis, School of Science & Technology, Nottingham Trent Uni., UK
M. Stefanidou, Civil Eng. Dept., AUTh, Greece
R. Bizios, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Uni of Texas at San Antonio, USA
S. Grigorian, Uni. of Siegen, Germany
J. F. Pierson, Institut Jean Lamour, Loraine Uni, France
M. Dinescu, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - NIPNE, Romania