As material systems and device structures become nanosized and nanostructured, significant challenges arise with respect to their design and with respect to tailoring their properties and response in a controlled way. The aim of this Workshop is to explore the state-of-the-art methodologies and approaches for the modelling and optimization of novel materials, the material's behavior and/or nano-device manufacturing processes, as well as multiscale computational approaches that can play a key role towards the further advancement of the corresponding nanotechnologies and enable the manufacturing and characterization of breakthrough devices and systems.
During the Workshop a series of Invited talks, Oral and Poster presentations will be given covering different computational approaches (ranging from the atomic to the macro-scale or multiscale) applied on a broad range of subjects. This Computational Modeling Workshop is a joint action of NN16 (W1,W2,W5) and ISFOE.
The Workshop includes (but are not limited to) Theoretical and Computational approaches to the following topics:
- Material properties and processes at the nano-scale
- Computer aided design of novel materials
- Structural and mechanical properties
- Diffusion and film growth
- Photonics, plasmonics, phononics and electronics
- Strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism and spintronics
- Multiscale modeling of devices and processes
- Graphene and related 2D materials
- Organic materials and properties
- Organic electronic devices
- Charge-transfer & exciton dynamics at hetero-interfaces
Workshop International Organizing Committee:
- Prof. Eleftherios Lidorikis (Chair), University of Ioannina, Greece
- Prof. Efthimios Kaxiras, Harvard University USA
- Prof. Pantelis Kelires, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Prof. Milan Damnjanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Prof. Yvan Bonnassieux, LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France
- Prof. Gilles Horowitz, LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France
- Dr. George Volonakis, Oxford University, UK