Young Researcher Awards

These awards target to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current research in the field of Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies show a high level of excellence and distinction.
The Winners of the NN19 Young Researcher Awards (1 oral and 1 poster presentation) will benefit with a 300 EUR prize accompanied with a certificate!

This year's NN19 YRA are the following (alphabetical order):

Azeez Yusuf (Technical University Dublin, Ireland)
for his oral presentation:

Encapsulation of silver nanoparticle in DPPC based liposome induces caspase dependent and ROS -independent apoptosis and suppresses nanoparticle associated inflammatory response)
A. Yusuf and A. Casey
Nanolab Research Group, Focas Research Institute, Technical University Dublin, Ireland


Kazuki Umemoto (Yamagata Univ., Japan)

for his poster presentation:
Separation of mono-dispersed CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals via Ostwald ripening
K. Umemoto1, M. Takeda1, Y. Tezuka1, B. Lyu1, S. Rodbuntum1, T. Chiba2,3, S. Asakura4, A. Masuhara1,3
1 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata Univ., Japan.
2 Graduate School of Organic Material Science, Yamagata Univ., Japan.
3 Research Center for Organic Electronics, Yamagata Univ., Japan.
4 Ise Chemicals Corporation, 1-3-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

nn19 awards 01 nn19 awards 02

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