2-4 July 2024


3 July 2024


1-5 July 2024

Welcome to NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 Business Forum

BUSINESS FORUM is one of NANOTEXNOLOGY's highlights! Strategically taking place at the Exhibition Center, where EXPO 2024 is hosted, this integral and popular event will be a focal point for visits from local and worldwide delegations and individuals, consisting of potential collaborators, partners, and investors. The event will take place during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 on 2-4 July 2024 and is supported by the New Business Development & Commercialization Workshop that is also taking place during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024.

All the Business Forum Presentations will take place during the breaks in the form of 15-minute oral presentations.

bf2019 01 bf2019 02 bf2019 03


July 2nd 2024

  13:45 - 14:00 KP Technology Dr. Iain Baikie  
  14:00 - 14:15 COATEMA COATING MACHINERY GMBH Mr. Thomas Kolbusch  
  14:15 - 14:30 Organic Electronic Technologies (OET) Mr. Salim Fachouri  
  14:30 - 14:45 Percipio Robotics Mr. Yann Buaillon  

July 3rd 2024

  13:45 - 14:00 SON Ms. Polina Astafeva  
  14:00 - 14:15 SEMILAB Mr. Christophe Defranoux  
  14:15 - 14:30 SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre 
Dr. Mikolaj Golunski  
  14:30 - 14:45 Siborg Systems Dr. Michael Obrecht  
  14:45 - 15:00 AMIRES Ms. Anastasia Grozdanova  

July 4th 2024

  13:45 - 14:00 Heidelberg Instruments Mr. Vasileios Theofylaktopoulos  
  14:15 - 14:30 BL Nanobiomed Mr. Konstantinos Tsimenidis  


NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 Business Forum forms a powerful and high-end platform to foster your maximum exposure and enables business development opportunities for innovative start-up, spin-off, spin-out companies and SMEs. 


Whether you participate in EXPO 2024 as an exhibitor or not, you will have the opportunity to present your company and innovative ideas during the Business Forum! Below you can find all the important information regarding registration fees.

EXPO 2024 Exhibitors  NANOTEXNOLOGY Participants (ISFOE24/NN24/I3D24) Visitors - One-day-pass 
 free  free  350 euro

In case you register for the Visitor Option you will get the following perks:

  • Access to EXPO24 and Business Forum Area
  • Participation in Business Forum
  • Access to Conference's Presentation of your choice for the particular day (ISFOE24/NN24/I3D24)
  • Access to Coffees and Lunches during the particular day

IMPORTANT: In case that you will pay ON-SITE, an ADDITIONAL COST of 100 Euros applies on all the above prices.
There is a refund of 75% of the registration fees until May 31, 2024. After May 31st, there will be no refunds.

expo19 01 expo19 10 expo19 12

expo19 03 expo19 04 expo19 11



Disclaimer and Scam Information:
The NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 Organizing Committee has been informed that third-party companies, pretending to be acting on behalf of the Organizers, have contacted the event speakers and attendees via telephone calls and emails requesting information for the payment of their registration fees and/or their accommodation.
We kindly ask you to DISREGARD these messages and to NOT proceed to any arrangement or payment to these third-party companies, because they do not represent in any way the Organizers.
The Organizers have not authorized any third-party entity to contact participants, attendees or exhibitors, regarding their registration and accommodation nor to distribute or sell attendees lists related to NANOTEXNOLOGY events. Please trust only the information and instructions at the Official NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 website and the messages you receive only by the Organizing Committee. In case you receive a suspicious call or email, we kindly ask you to inform us.
Under no circumstances shall the Organizers be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses or other inconvenience resulting from the actions of these third-party companies.


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BUSINESS FORUM is Organized by


BUSINESS FORUM is Supported by

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Under the Auspices of

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