

5-12 July 2025


7-11 July 2025


until 16 May 2025


21 March 2025

Accommodation Choices

All the events of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 will take place in Porto Palace Conference Centre & Hotel which is located in the New Harbor area of Thessaloniki.
Keep in mind that the organizers do not cooperate with third parties for the reservation of the rooms. All participants should book the rooms by themselves, directly after communicating with the corresponding hotel.

Beware of scammers:
If you are contacted by any third party claiming to arrange the accommodation of the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 participants delete the mail and do not send your credit card details under any circumstances. We fear that they are scammers and try to get your credit card information!

Accommodation at Event's Venue

Porto Palace Conference Centre & Hotel (www.portopalace.gr)

Room Type Price (including Breakfast) per Day*
SUPERIOR (1 person) 115 euros
SUPERIOR (2 person) 130 euros
SUPERIOR (3 person) 155 euros
* All the Special Rates are for reservations between these dates: 05.07.2025 - 12.07.2025
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | tel.: +30 2310504520 fax: +30 2310540384
Direct Link for this offer:


Please reserve your room as soon as possible, since there is a LIMITED number of rooms.

In order to take advantage of the Special Rate, proceed with your booking through the following link.

If you wish to stay for more than 7 nights, there will be an extra 10% discount on the above room prices (the discount will be provided upon guest's check out). In case of amending the reservation for less than 7 nights, the above discount will not be valid.

Other Accommodation options

These options will be available soon.


Below you can find a map of the area near NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 venue, with all the hotels marked with red pins! NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 venue is marked with a blue pin.


NANOTEXNOLOGY is connected to 15th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE25) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2025
November 2025, Athens, Greece



Disclaimer and Scam Information:
The NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 Organizing Committee has been informed that third-party companies, pretending to be acting on behalf of the Organizers, have contacted the event speakers and attendees via telephone calls and emails requesting information for the payment of their registration fees and/or their accommodation.
We kindly ask you to DISREGARD these messages and to NOT proceed to any arrangement or payment to these third-party companies, because they do not represent in any way the Organizers.
The Organizers have not authorized any third-party entity to contact participants, attendees or exhibitors, regarding their registration and accommodation nor to distribute or sell attendees lists related to NANOTEXNOLOGY events. Please trust only the information and instructions at the Official NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 website and the messages you receive only by the Organizing Committee. In case you receive a suspicious call or email, we kindly ask you to inform us.
Under no circumstances shall the Organizers be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses or other inconvenience resulting from the actions of these third-party companies.


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Organized by

ltfnauth_logo cope-nano flex2energy hope-a nanonet nanonet realnano logoff2s logonanomecommons logomusicode logosmartline logocornet logo

Supported by

ECh2020 logophysicsPRAXI.logocornelllogo U2BX1 UCBerkeley-text-logohzbazkportopalace logo

Under the Auspices of

physics auth logo