7-10 July 2025
7-10 July 2025

18th Int. Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics

8-10 July 2025
8-10 July 2025

8th Int. Conference on AI, ML, Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation

7-11 July 2025
7-11 July 2025

15th Int. Exhibition on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine

8-11 July 2025
8-11 July 2025

22nd Int. Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies

5-12 July 2025
5-12 July 2025

19th Int. Summer Schools on Nanotechnologies

8-10 July 2025
8-10 July 2025

Business Forum and
Matchmaking Event


5-12 July 2025


7-11 July 2025


The scope of this workshop is to be a major meeting place of scientists and engineers from all over the world, who are active in studying the innovative combination and design of nanomaterials, their development, fabrication, growth, processing and their characterization. The common place of the workshop is that the form of the concerned materials should be associated with the nanoscale and/or their properties should be manifested and applied at the nanoscale.

Workshop 2 topics at a glance:

Inorganic Nanostructures

  • Silver & Gold Nanoparticles
  • Oxides Nanoparticles
  • Photocatalytic Nanoparticles
  • Chemical Synthesis
  • 0D quantum dot, 1D nanowire or 2D nanosheet/quantum well semiconductors by chemical or physical methods
  • Magnetic Nanoparticles
  • Pilot Scale synthesis
  • Sustainable-by-design coatings and engineered surfaces

Advanced Nanocharacterization experimental techniques

  • Electron Microscopy Nanocharacterization
  • X-Rays Nanocharacterization of Materials
  • Atomic Force Microscopy

Hybrid Nanostructures

  • Nanocellulose materials
  • Carbon Nanocomposites
  • Inorganic-Polymer Nanocomposites

Graphene and Related Materials

  • Graphene growth, synthesis, and integration (CVD, Epitaxy, Chemical Exfoliation, etc)
  • Graphene properties (optical, electronic, structural, nanomechanical, etc.)
  • Transfer of graphene to host substrates
  • Chemistry & Growth Kinetics of Graphene and 2D materials
  • Graphene Transfer
  • Graphene-like 2D nanomaterials, heterostructures, and superstructures
  • Silicenes & Gemanenes
  • Computational and theoretical approaches on Graphene

Thin Films & Multilayered Structures

  • Physical Vapor Deposition
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition
  • Atomic Layer Deposition
  • Spray coated Nanostructures
  • Lab and Large Scale Nanolithography
  • Surface Activation & Functionalization
  • Growth Mechanisms Modeling
  • Pilot Scale Deposition Processes

Organic Nanostructures & Polymers Technology

  • Synthesis & Physicochemical Properties
  • Homopolymers, Copolymers & Dendrimers
  • Polymer nanocomposites
  • Polymer processing in nanoscale
  • Polymers for energy
  • Industrial applications of polymeric materials
  • Theory, modelling and simulation in Nanoscale

Nanomaterials in daily life Applications

  • Nanomaterials in food processing
  • Nanomaterials in smart packaging & storage
  • Nanostructured Antimicrobial Surfaces
  • Nanostructured Superhard and Protective Coatings
  • Nanomaterials in Buildings Integrations Applications
  • Nanomaterials in Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Nanomaterials in Catalysis


M. Damnjanovic, Faculty of Physics, Uni of Belgrade, Serbia
P. Patsalas, Physics Dept, AUTh, Greece
S. Anastasiadis, Dept of Chemistry, Uni of Crete, Greece
R. Bizios, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Uni of Texas at San Antonio, USA
M. Dinescu, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - NIPNE, Romania
S. Grigorian, Uni. of Siegen, Germany
D. Koutsogeorgis, School of Science & Technology, Nottingham Trent Uni., UK
V. Koutsos, School of Engineering, Uni of Edinburgh, UK
J. F. Pierson, Institut Jean Lamour, Loraine Uni, France
K. Porfyrakis, University of Greenwich, UK
M. Stefanidou, Civil Eng. Dept., AUTh, Greece
A. Tagliaferro, Carbon Group, Dept of Physics, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
C.-R. Wang, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Organized by:

realnano logo H2020 REALNANO: "In-line and Real-time digital nano-characterization technologies for the high yield manufacturing of Flexible Organic Electronics
musicode logo EU H2020-MUSICODE: "An experimentally-validated multi-scale materials, process and device modelling & design platform enabling non-expert access to open innovation in the Organic and Large Area Electronics Industry"
ff2s logo EU H2020-FlexFunction2Sustain: "Open Innovation Ecosystem for Sustainable Nano-functionalized Flexible Plastic and Paper Surfaces and Membranes"
nanomecommons logo EU H2020-nanoMECommons: "Harmonisation of EU-wide nanomechanics protocols and relevant data exchange procedures, across representative cases; standardisation, interoperability, data workflow (nanoMECommons)"


nanotexnology25 poster small isfoe25 poster small nn25 poster small ai-ml25 poster small isson25 poster small

Some of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 Invited Speakers

 anthopoulos Thomas Anthopoulos
University of Manchester, UK
 anastasiadis Spiros Anastasiadis
University of Crete & FORTH IESL, Greece
 sutherland Luke Sutherland
CSIRO, Australia
 christou Aristos Christou
University of Maryland, USA
 damnjanovic Milan Damnjanovic
University of Belgrade, Serbia
 heeney Martin Heeney
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
 koch Norbert Koch
University of Berlin, Germany
 leclerc Mario Leclerc
Laval University, Canada
 teshima Katsuya Teshima
Shinshu University, Japan
 arenal Raul Arenal
University of Zaragoza, Spain
 barrena Esther Barrena
 giannelis Emmanuel Giannelis
Cornell University, USA
 campagna Dario Campagna
 silva Ravi P. Silva
Director of Advanced Technology Institute, Head of NanoElectronics Centre, Uni. of Surrey, UK
 gasparini Nicola Gasparini
Imperial College London, UK
 georgiadou Dimitra Georgiadou
University of Southampton, UK
 itskos Grigorios Itskos
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
 kallitsis Joannis Kallitsis
University of Patras, Greece
 klein Peter Klein
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany
 konchakova Natalia Konchakova
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany
 koutsos Vasileios Koutsos
University of Edinburgh, UK
 koutsouras Dimitrios Koutsouras
Imec, The Netherlands
 laskarakis Argiris Laskarakis
Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece
 nees Dieter Nees
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria
 may Christian May
Fraunhofer Inst. for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam & Plasma Technology, Germany
 mekeridis Evaggelos Mekeridis
Organic Electronic Technologies (OET), Greece
 michels Jasper Michels
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
 milosevic Ivanka Milosevic
Department of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
 panidi Julianna Panidi
Imperial College London, UK
 pfleger Jiri Pfleger
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
 roscioni Otello Maria Roscioni
Goldbeck Consulting Ltd., UK
 scamarcio Gaetano Scamarcio
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
 sendemir Aylin Sendemir
Ege University, Turkey
 sideri Ioanna Sideri
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece
 tsetseris Leonidas Tsetseris
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
 vattuone Luca Vattuone
University of Genoa, Italy
 zergioti Ioanna Zergioti
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
 kolbusch Thomas Kolbusch
COATEMA Coating Machinery GmbH, Germany
 kalfagiannis Nikolaos Kalfagiannis
University of Ioannina, Greece
 karakasidis Theodoros Karakasidis
University of Thessaly, Greece
 hadwe Salim El Hadwe
University of Cambridge, UK
 shoaee Safa Shoaee
University of Potsdam, Germany
 kim Chang-Hyun Kim
University of Ottawa, Canada
 kymakis Emmanuel Kymakis
Hellenic Mediterranean Uni. Research Center, Greece
 volonakis George Volonakis
University of Rennes 1, France
 colsmann Alexander Colsmann
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
 mitsiadis Thimios Mitsiadis
University of Zurich, Switzerland
 harmandaris Vangelis Harmandaris
The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus
 glynos Emmanouil Glynos
Univeristy of Crete, Greece
 kepenekian Mikael Kepenekian
CNRS - University of Rennes, France
 kneer Aron Kneer
TinniT Technologies GmbH, Germany
 riera-galindo Sergi Riera-Galindo
Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona, Spain
 rodriguez-martinez Xabier Rodriguez-Martinez
University of A Coruna, Spain
 resmini Marina Resmini
Queen Mary University of London, UK
 feitshans Ilise Feitshans
Virginia Mountain Valley Lawyers Alliance, USA
 missirlis Yannis Missirlis
University of Patras, Greece
 scharber Markus Scharber
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
 calamai Martino Calamai
LENS, University of Florence, Italy
 guenday-tuereli Nazende Guenday-Tuereli
MyBiotech GmbH, Germany
 lebigre Sandrine Lebigre
CT-IPC, France
 das Pradip Das
University of Southampton, UK
 okhay Olena Okhay
University of Aveiro, Portugal
 biscarini Fabio Biscarini
Italian Inst. of Technology & Uni. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
 kontonasaki Eleana Kontonasaki
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
 kapon Elyahou Kapon
EPFL, Switzerland
 djenizian Thierry Djenizian
MINES Saint-Etienne, France
 loca Dagnija Loca
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Riga Technical Uni., Latvia
 eisner Flurin Eisner
Queen Mary University of London, UK
 lidorikis Elefterios Lidorikis
University of Ioannina, Greece
 fatayer Shadi Fatayer
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia
 anastasiou Antonios Anastasiou
University of Manchester, UK
 malliaras George Malliaras
University of Cambridge, UK
 bartoli Mattia Bartoli
Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
 vizirianakis Ioannis Vizirianakis
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AUTH, Greece
 maximenko Alexey Maximenko
SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Jagiellonian Uni., Poland
 hadziioannou Georges Hadziioannou
University of Bordeaux, France
 nguyen Thuc-Quyen Nguyen
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
 chochos Christos Chochos
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece
 ruhstaller Beat Ruhstaller
Zurich University of Applied Sciences & Fluxim AG, Switzerland
 vembris Aivars Vembris
University of Latvia, Latvia
 guinault Alain Guinault
PIMM laboratory, UMR Arts et Métiers, Cnrs and Cnam, Paris, France
 kioseoglou g George Kioseoglou
University of Crete, Greece
 inal Sahika Inal
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
 sang-sub-kim Sang Sub Kim
Inha University, Korea
 gautier Romain Gautier
IMN - CNRS, France
 falaras Polycarpos Falaras
Institute of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology NCSR "Demokritos", Greece
 prassas Michel Prassas
Corning European Technology Center, France
 stathatos Elias Stathatos
University of Peloponnese, Greece
 taboada Pablo Taboada
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
 sarigiannidou Eirini Sarigiannidou
Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
 bonfiglio Annalisa Bonfiglio
University of Cagliari, Italy
 sofos Filippos Sofos
University of Thessaly, Greece
 capria Ennio Capria
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France
 hendsbee Arthur Hendsbee
Brilliant Matters, Canada
 schlenz Patrick Schlenz
Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam & Plasma Technology, Germany
 demopoulos George Demopoulos
McGill University, Canada
 stupakiewicz Andrzej Stupakiewicz
University of Bialystok, Poland
 salzmann Ingo Salzmann
Concordia University, Canada
 makov Guy Makov
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
 pappa Anna-Maria Pappa
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
 defranoux Christophe Defranoux
Semilab Semiconductor Physics Laboratory Co. Ltd., France
 pitsalidis Charalampos Pitsalidis
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
 mclachlan Martyn McLachlan
Imperial College London, UK
 jha Animesh Jha
University of Leeds, UK
 constantoudis Vassilios Constantoudis
NCSR Demokritos & Nanometrisis p.c., Greece
 etgar Lioz Etgar
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Gold Sponsor

oet gold sponsor logo

Silver Sponsor

bl-nanobiomed silver sponsor logo

Bronze Sponsors

coatema bronze sponsor logo

vknano bronze sponsor logo

2024 Sponsors


2024 Exhibitors



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The NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 Organizing Committee has been informed that third-party companies, pretending to be acting on behalf of the Organizers, have contacted the event speakers and attendees via telephone calls and emails requesting information for the payment of their registration fees and/or their accommodation.
We kindly ask you to DISREGARD these messages and to NOT proceed to any arrangement or payment to these third-party companies, because they do not represent in any way the Organizers.
The Organizers have not authorized any third-party entity to contact participants, attendees or exhibitors, regarding their registration and accommodation nor to distribute or sell attendees lists related to NANOTEXNOLOGY events. Please trust only the information and instructions at the Official NANOTEXNOLOGY 2025 website and the messages you receive only by the Organizing Committee. In case you receive a suspicious call or email, we kindly ask you to inform us.
Under no circumstances shall the Organizers be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses or other inconvenience resulting from the actions of these third-party companies.


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Supported by

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