Workshop on Computational Modeling (common in ISFOE18 and NN18)

workshop computational

As material systems and device structures become nanosized and nanostructured, significant challenges arise with respect to their design and with respect to tailoring their properties and response in a controlled way. The aim of this Workshop is to explore the state-of-the-art methodologies and approaches for the modelling and optimization of novel materials, the material's behavior and/or nano-device manufacturing processes, as well as multiscale computational approaches that can play a key role towards the further advancement of the corresponding nanotechnologies and enable the manufacturing and characterization of breakthrough devices and systems.

During the Workshop a series of Invited talks, Oral and Poster presentations will be given covering different computational approaches (ranging from the atomic to the macro-scale or multiscale) applied on a broad range of subjects. 

The Workshop includes (but are not limited to) Theoretical and Computational approaches to the following topics:

  • Material properties and processes at the nano-scale
  • Computer aided design of novel materials
  • Structural and mechanical properties
  • Diffusion and film growth
  • Photonics, plasmonics, phononics and electronics
  • Strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism and spintronics
  • Multiscale modeling of devices and processes
  • Graphene and related 2D materials
  • Organic materials and properties
  • Organic electronic devices
  • Charge-transfer & exciton dynamics at hetero-interfaces

Workshop International Organizing Committee (tentative)

Prof. Eleftherios Lidorikis (Chair), University of Ioannina, Greece
Prof. Pantelis Kelires, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Prof. Milan Damnjanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. Yvan Bonnassieux, LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France
Prof. Gilles Horowitz, LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France
Dr. George Volonakis, Oxford University, UK

Organised by:

cornet logo EU H2020-CORNET: "Multiscale Modelling and Characterization to optimize the Manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices" (

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