Young Researcher Awards

These awards target to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current research show a high level of excellence and distinction.
The Winners of the ISFOE18 Young Researcher Awards (1 oral and 1 poster presentation) will benefit with a 350 EUR cash prize accompanied with a certificate!

An extra Poster Certificate is provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry journals Analyst, Lab on a Chip, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, Nanoscale, and Nanoscale Horizons. A year’s subscription to the journal of the winner’s choice from those mentioned will be awarded.

This year's ISFOE18 YRA is the following:

J. Kublitski
IAPP - Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials – TU Dresden, Germany

for his presentation:
Reverse dark current in organic photodetectors
J. Kublitski1, D. Spoltore1, A. Hofacker1 K. Vandewal2, K. Leo1
1 IAPP - Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials – TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
2 Universiteit Hasselt, Hasselt, Belgium


isfoe18 yra

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